Monday, September 29, 2008

Clean Hair

I went grocery shopping on Sunday and picked up some kid's shampoo. We ran out of Drew's favorite flavor so I remembered to buy more. No big deal...I unloaded groceries and I began to bake cookies. Tim and the kids were in and out of the kitchen and at some point Tim asked me where was Zach. I thought for a second...I don't know where he is but wherever he is, he is awfully quiet. Quiet, if you have kids...specifically 3 kids, does not always indicate something good is going on. Tim went to get bathroom trash and I quickly heard "I thought I smelled something really sweet..." There sat Zach under our bar washing his dry hair with the new shampoo. AAGGHHH. I wasn't exactly ready to bathe him but unless I wanted him to look like a greaser, a bath was our only solution. He thought he was pretty clever and here are the pictures that make this a pretty funny situation. I admit it...I laughed uncontrollably over this...trying to be a little more laid back than normal. At any rate, we all got a good laugh over Mr. Zach!

Are you serious???
So dang cute...even with shampoo in dry hair!

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