Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fall 2008

It has been a very busy fall at our house. Between soccer games, practice, homework and life I feel like we have gone through a season of being insanely busy. Thankfully, things are starting to settle down. One more week of soccer and then we are going to lay low this winter with no organized activities except the things we do through school. There is something to be said for relishing these times when the kids are still young. Our really busy days are ahead and there is no sense in rushing toward the chaos that is surely to come when all 3 kids are involved in 3 different activities, etc.

The fall festival at the kids school in October proved to be a fun time for us. The kids got to participate in a scarecrow contest with their classes (mostly Grace), rode ponies and ate a lot of junk...etc.
Halloween was a fun night at our house. I tried to make it festive and with a little help from the October issue of Southern Living feel like I accomplished my intended goal. We ate "mummy dogs" for dinner and had "ghost" cakes for dessert. We trick or treated in our new neighborhood and then we headed to our old neighborhood where there are TONS of kids and a sense of familiarity. Our kids enjoyed trick or treating but it was so cool when they were like....We are done! I know a lot of kids that could go forever but not my 3. Once it was dark, Zach was very concerned that is was 9:00 and past his bedtime. I have no clue where the 9:00 came from but he was convinced it was that late and I had forgotten about bedtime. I guess he doesn't realize that his bedtime is much earlier than 9:00!