Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Moving Days Ahead

I know we are not the only people in the world to move. However, this process has been a tad lengthy for our family! We signed a contract to build a house on July 24, 2007. We put our house that we were living in on the market on February 29th. I was WAY stressed about keeping our house perfect with 3 children running around and low and behold we were under contract on Sunday, March 2nd. Yippee...except our house was not done being built. Long story short, we have been in a 3 bedroom apartment since April 1st...all 5 of us. Well, Tim traveled for 5 straight weeks and I am not sure if work was busy or if that was a good excuse to escape. At any rate, we are set to close next Tuesday on our house and we are all 5 very excited. The kids ask every morning if today is the day that we are moving and everyday, I tell them not yet. I am not looking forward to the process again but I am so thrilled to be moving into our house. Last night, I took these pictures of the kids sitting on the steps by the front door. They were singing about their new house. They are wet because they had just run through the sprinklers that were running!


laurie said...

I'm so impressed!! I guess this is all my fault, huh?? love you guys!

Unknown said...

How funny we both started blogs on the same day!
What's the countdown to the closing table?