Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life is Busy....

So busy that it seems I never have time to blog or at least I don't make the time to blog much. I try so hard not to put pressure on myself as no one is making me keep up with this blog. This blog is for one person and that person is ME. If others have made their way to this blog to read, great. Otherwise, this is my attempt to chronicle events in our life. A very weak attempt of late! :-)

There has been lots going on for sure. We made it through the holidays and with the end of the Christmas season, Tim began a marathon of travel. Have I ever mentioned that I hate how much he travels? Hate is a strong word, but I am certain that it is accurate in this case. I just miss him at night when he is gone. I am trying very hard not to nag him because I know it is not his choice. I am VERY thankful that he has a job and know that I am a fool to complain. He did take a few days in January and took me skiing in Vail. Wow, what a great time we had! I love skiing and was amazed how fast I picked it up.

We got a puppy at Christmas and she is doing really well. I wish to high heaven I could train her with the whole potty thing but.....

She has a pacifier (our last sign of baby in our house)!

Speaking of potty training, Zach is trained. He is a definite case study in the battle of wills. He literally woke up a few weeks ago and was trained. Yes, you read that correctly. He had like no accidents with tee tee. He woke up and put underwear on and that was pretty much it. It has been UNBELIEVALBLE! He is growing up and I can't say that I am too sad. I have been in the throws of diapers for 6 1/2 years and so I am ok with everyone being potty trained!

just some potty time entertainment alla Zach!

We leave for Spring Break this Saturday and I am pretty pumped! Our surprise trip to Disney this summer was a wet disaster so instead of heading back to Mexico....we decided to take advantage of a down economy and buy 4 days and get 3 free at Disney World! I think Tim and I love it as much as our kids and we are ALL very excited! It is fun to see each of them experience it at different stages but I am looking forward to Zach this time. I think he will GET IT this time around!

School is trudging along and I am ready for summer. It has been a tough year as far as our schedule is concerned and I am exhausted!!! Everyone is doing well is their classes but I am just ready to be at home with NO schedule for a while.

So...there you have it. An update on the Stephens family....phew...I feel better now! :-)


The Evans' said...

Blogs are even better than facebook! I'll be checking your out as I LOVE to read fellow blogger blogs, too!

Nikki said...

Glad everything is going well- the puppy is so cute!!

The Evans' said...

Just wanted to let you know that I "saved" an old pacifier as a reminder of them when they were babies!!!